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Draper James

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They selected our female-founded agency to help reimagine and reinvent the Draper James brand.We are listeners, makers and innovators.If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it

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Image source: img.buzzfeed.com

SDCO Partners executed a rebrand for Draper James, Reese Witherspoon's Southern clothing company, including a new logo design and brand identity system

Fritinancy: Name in the news: Draper James

Still, one of Ms.For me, that name ? no matter how sweetly familial.Draper James has just one brick-and-mortar location, in Nashville, but Ms.What makes it especially newsworthy is that one of the businesswomen is the actress Reese Witherspoon, and she?s the one being sued. Witherspoon has spoken on the record about her plans for more stores., mother of three?) that Ms. Witherspoon (star of Wild and Legally Blonde ) ?literally stole my magnolia. Weingartner?s lines is called the Magnolia Collection; she told the New York Post (which called her a ?Palm Beach, Fla Draper James.


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Image source: s3.amazonaws.com

Jackson has been postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak. 'What I know is Charleston and North Carolina and the beaches of Georgia.'.I haven?t traveled in the Northeast.Along with jewelry it also produces personalised clothing, which it sells from an online store.People post hilarious tweets about how stress snacking and a lack.Jordann Weingartner alleges that the logo for Reese's Drape James' clothing line - a magnolia flower on a disc, with initials in the center - is too similar to the one for her?I Love Jewelry brand.Businesswoman: When Reese plugged her Totes Y'all bag on social media it instantly sold out; she is pictured in front of her Draper James store in?Nashville Reese has said the inspiration for her business came when she was asked to represent other labels - and realised none of them quite got her style.Cuomo claiming the mayor is just causing 'panic'.Royal family share Instagram posts to mark the occasion - as Prince William and Kate Middleton praise the work of the Irish Guards.

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Dorothea Draper and William James Witherspoon

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Image source: media.gettyimages.com/photos/american-actress-reese-witherspoon-during-the-filming-of-the-movie-picture-id543855216?s=612x612

Reese Witherspoon is being sued by a clothing designer who claims the actress copied her copyrighted logo

There?s a curious little kerfuffle going on between two businesswomen whose flower-shaped logos are suspiciously similar in shape and embellishment. What makes it especially newsworthy is that one of the businesswomen is the actress Reese Witherspoon, and she?s the one being sued. But that?s not the only thing I find....



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